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Bungie Currant

Destiny 2 Error Code Currant: A Guide to Causes and Solutions

Understanding Error Code Currant

Error Code Currant is one of the many error codes that can occur in Destiny 2. It is typically caused by issues with the game's network or with your internet connection.

Causes of Error Code Currant

The following are some of the most common causes of Error Code Currant:

  • A temporary interruption in your internet connection
  • A problem with your router or modem
  • Issues with Destiny 2's servers
  • A problem with your VPN (if you are using one)

How to Fix Error Code Currant

There are several things you can try to fix Error Code Currant:

  1. Check your internet connection. Make sure that you are connected to the internet and that your connection is stable.
  2. Restart your router or modem. This can help to clear any temporary problems with your network.
  3. Try connecting to a different region of Destiny 2. If you are on the US North American servers, try connecting to the OCE or Middle Eastern servers.
  4. Disable any VPNs that you may be using. VPNs can sometimes interfere with Destiny 2's network.


Errors of this nature are actively monitored by Bungie to keep us aware of trending issues impacting players. Often these types of issues transpire when interruptions occur with the network services used by Bungie to communicate with players' devices and consoles.
